segunda-feira, 31 de março de 2014


     The beauty of life lies mostly in its unrepeatability… an endless chain of moments within a vaster chain, the stream of life itself.
     Memory is a vast inner landscape, seen and unseen. What can be seen, it’s just a small fragment of the whole. In search of memories, memory itself goes beyond memories. You, my brother, would understand perfectly these words. We lived so many moments together. Yet, what we used to remember wasn’t the same. The real meeting of our memories happened, happens and will happen beyond time and memory. Different images in our heads, different words to grasp the moments… the same feeling, the same emotions… That was the link, that is the link between our chains of moments.
     In the chain of moments past doesn’t exist. The endless journey has no beginning or end, after all. The hidden horizon is the necessary background that gives shape to what lies within the sight.
     How translate, how to represent the fleeting moments if not with fleeting images and fugacious words. The following small poems are droplets of reality and unreality. The images, by David Kowalski, are like a dive in the deep of invisibility, a kind of immaterial lucidity, a chant to the fleeting beauty of life. My images are from the series “I remember”… memory and creation establishing the links between the moments. Memory and creation: two ways of shaping time and reality, probably the greatest artists there is. But the best of all are the feelings and emotions of each moment; probably they are the most precious gifts of life… once lived they never disappear again, even if memory can’t remember them clearly and life doesn’t allow repeating them. That´s the exact point where spirit and matter are one… Salute now and ever the eternal fugacity of the precious moments we live just letting ourselves flow in the stream of moments…!
     The Tiny Words are just the spontaneous reflection of the interaction with the images. They also resulted from moments... and the chain could be endless, though in other moments the "tiny words" could be different.

Tiny words I

All things have a reason, a cause to be
The true cause can’t be seen
The true cause can’t be erased
It’s engraved in the soul since the beginning…

Tiny words II

First and last, the same
The tree stands growing
Growing roots in the depth
Dust of ancient dreams…

Tiny words III

The empty hand is full now
Now the wind is the bird
And the horizon is the nest
Home is a place in the tranquil chest…

Tiny words IV
Green thoughts
Ethereal circles
Flesh and bone
Deep skin of water…

Tiny words V

The shadow met the light
On the same wide path
The light embraced the shadow
The path goes on, wider
Thankful to the sun…

Tiny Words VI

From the bottom of the eyes
The morning rises with a kiss
The fire wakes up softly
Hiding his face in the shadow
Circled by the embrace of light…

Tiny Words VII

Innocence is still asleep
In the nest of liquid stars
Thirsty lips drink avidly
The stars remain together
In the mouth of wonder
Inerasable flavour of life…

Tiny Words VIII

From the zenith the sun came
To the ground of finite light
To be more than one
In the water the fire merges
Into the air rises to be one again
Journeying in the infinite light…

I remember the sea, photography by São Ludovino. 

I remember the sky, photography by São Ludovino. 

 I remember the light I, photography by São Ludovino.

I remember the light II, photography by São Ludovino.

I remember the tree I, photography by São Ludovino. 

I remember the ground, photography by São Ludovino. 

I remember the forest I, photography by São Ludovino.

 I remember the rain I, photography by São Ludovino.

I remember the rain II, photography by São Ludovino. 

 I remember the glow I, photography by São Ludovino.

 I remember the glow II, photography by São Ludovino.

I remember the glow III, photography by São Ludovino. 

I remember the glow V, photography by São Ludovino. 

I remember the spirit I, photography by São Ludovino. 

 I remember the colours III, photography by São Ludovino.

I remember the colours II, photography by São Ludovino. 

I remember the colours I, photography by São Ludovino. 

I remember the bird V, photography by São Ludovino. 

I remember the bird VII, photography by São Ludovino. 

 I remember the lightness I, photography by São Ludovino.

I remember the lightness II, photography by São Ludovino. 

I remember the beginning, photography by São Ludovino. 

 I remember the rainbow II, photography by São Ludovino.

I remember the rainbow III, photography by São Ludovino. 

I remember the amazement, photography by São Ludovino.

 I remember the ship, photography by São Ludovino.

I remember the tide I, photography by São Ludovino. 

I remember the shape III, photography by São Ludovino. 

I remember the question..., photography by São Ludovino.