One of the reasons why Islam tries to paint a reasonable portrait of itself is the fact that in their holy books (Quran and Hadith) we can really find opposite principles: some pointing to relative tolerance and others pointing to the most violent and outrageous intolerance. And again, these contradictions show clearly how this religion had a practical purpose from the beginning. The dogmas and rules were prescribed considering the conquering and governing needs of each moment. Then, since those contradictions were so useful, they remained there to use again and again when they were needed and denied by opposite statements when that was the most suitable.
About the whitewashing that Islam tries to make with his own warlord prophet and violent holly book, Harry Foundalis points some examples that entirely contradict the fake idea of “religion of peace”. That’s how the large majority of Muslims define their religion (though a great part didn’t even read the Quran or the Hadith) and even many people in the free West. The most part of these didn’t read the Quran or the Hadith too and would never choose to live under an Islamic regime… These contradictions within the Islamic scriptures are especially convenient when Muslims try to demonstrate that Islamic terror and the Islamic State (ISIS) have nothing to do with Islam! They cut a specific verse from the context and hide the rest that would deny it. In Islam, is very easy to find contradictions not only between theory and practice but within the same holy Islamic scriptures.
«(…) What Muslims do not ever reveal to non-muslims are all those other verses of the Qur’an that make it abundantly clear that the Muslim should fight (do jihad, in Arabic) until all other religions disappear and “religion is all for Allah”; such as this one:
Qur’an 8:39: “So, fight them [the disbelievers] until persecution is no more, and religion is all for Allah.”
Qur’an 9:5: “And when the sacred months have passed away, then slay the pagans wherever you find them, and take them captives and besiege them and lie in wait for them in every ambush, then if they repent and keep up prayer and pay the poor-rate, leave their way free to them; surely Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.”
In other words, slay the pagans until they change their religion. If they do, then stop slaughtering them because then, and only then, Allah remembers how merciful he is!
What about this one?
Qur’an 9:29: “Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which has been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the tribute with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued.”
Translation: Fight against every non-muslim, even Christians and Jews (“the People of the Book”), until they surrender, become your slaves, and pay the special “subdued non-muslim tax” (“jizyah”) to you — those who are not dead already. Unless, of course, they change their religion and become Muslims. (Otherwise, “no compulsion in religion”!)
What about this excerpt from Sahi al-Bukhari?
Sahi al-Bukhari, V4B53N386:
“Our Prophet, the Messenger of our Lord, has ordered us to fight you till you worship Allah alone or pay us the Jizyah (tribute tax); and our Prophet has informed us that our Lord says: ‘Whoever amongst us is killed as a martyr shall go to Paradise to lead such a luxurious life as he has never seen, and whoever survives shall become your master.’ ”
In other words, warring so that Islam prevails over other religions is the highest priority for Muslims, since whether they die fighting, or survive, Muhammad promised them “a deal they can’t refuse”.
Of course, there are more:
al-Tabari 9:69
“Arabs were the first to respond to the call of the Prophet. We are Allah’s helpers and the viziers of His Messenger. We fight people until they believe in Allah. He who believes in Allah and His Messenger has protected his life and possessions from us. As for one who disbelieves, we will fight him forever in the Cause of Allah. Killing him is a small matter to us.”
And there are many, many more! But let’s not tire the reader with this avalanche of evidence that the Qur’an contradicts its own “no compulsion in religion” multiple times, and that Muhammad himself ordered Muslims to fight non-muslims until they worship Allah or pay the jizyah (tax). And, if you neither become Muslim, nor pay the tax, you are “dead meat”. At least, in Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, and possibly elsewhere, that’s what you are; you are killed, executed. In more “progressive” places, such as the Ottoman Empire in the beginning of the 20th C., you would be sent to exile. That’s exactly what happened to my grandfather, who was a Greek born in Talash, Turkey (then Mutalashkee, Ottoman Empire), was living in Kayseri, and married my grandmother in Konya, both large cities of today’s Turkey.»
About the ISIS conquering plan, the author demonstrates that the aim was exactly the same of the founders of Islam, a large campaign of conquest in the East, West and Africa.
«(…) Try to understand the idea in the frame above, please, because it has important consequences in our times. You see, Muhammad’s wars and conquests were admired and attempted to be copycatted in our times by the barbarian and murderous hordes of the Islamic State. In 2014, the Islamic State published the following map, depicting the lands that they were dreaming of conquering and subjugating under their horrendously barbaric and inhuman regime, within five years.
Fig. The dream of the Islamic State
As you can see, the Islamic-State dream was not too different from the actual extension of the 8th-century Umayyad Caliphate (see Fig. above), only somewhat more ambitious. It is a different issue that, by 2018, the Islamic State disappeared from the face of the Earth, and its fighters were largely exterminated. Through the map of Fig. above they managed to depict their futile dreams.»
The Islamic condemnation of suicide as an immoral crime is in flagrant contradiction with the defense of suicide bombings, even when the bombers are just children. Suicide is considered morally wrong but suicide bombings to kill innocent people, that they call “infidels”, is considered right for a large number of Muslims.
There’s also a shocking contradiction between the supposed protection of children and the use of children as human shields and as suicidal bombers. It seems that children are only important to be indoctrinated and become future soldiers of Allah!
The opinion of a majority of Muslim about “suicide bombings” is very elucidating about what they consider justifiable doing to achieve their purposes (Islamize the world and punish the infidels for not being as barbaric as they are).
Suicide Bombing
«When Muslims are asked whether suicide bombing or other forms of violence against civilian targets can be justified in order to defend Islam from its enemies, few in the countries surveyed say that this form of violence is often or sometimes justified, and support has generally diminished in the last decade. Still, significant minorities of Muslims in a few countries do hold the view that it can be justified.
In the Middle East, support for suicide bombing is highest in the Palestinian territories, where 46% of Muslims say that it is often or sometimes justified in order to defend Islam. Support is particularly high among Muslims in Gaza (62%) versus those in the West Bank (36%).
In Lebanon, 29% of Muslims say targeting civilians is justified. This includes 37% of Shia Muslims but only 21% among Sunni Muslims. Meanwhile, a quarter or less of Muslims in Egypt (24%), Turkey (18%), Israel (16%) and Jordan (15%) say suicide bombing is often or sometimes justified. Among Tunisian Muslims, only 5% say this.
Nearly half of Bangladeshi Muslims (47%) believe suicide bombing can be justified. This is much higher than the 18% of Muslims in Malaysia who say the same. In Indonesia and Pakistan, countries which have been rocked by suicide bombings in the past decade, one-in-ten Muslims or less say that targeting civilians is often or sometimes justified (9% and 3%, respectively).
More than a decade after the 9/11 attacks and after hundreds of high profile attacks on civilians, the percentage of Muslims who say suicide bombing is often or sometimes justified has fallen in many of the countries surveyed. For instance, in 2002, 74% of Lebanese Muslims said suicide bombing was often or sometimes justified. But in the wake of well-publicized attacks, such as the 2005 assassination of Prime Minister Hariri, support has fallen to just 29% today.»

These data don’t include ISIS actions and the Islamic attacks in Europe in 2015 and after (France, Belgium, Germany, Sweden, Austria, etc.)